Consider the two triangles. How can the triangles be proven similar by the SSS similarity theorem? V UV WU Show that the ratios XYZX and W ZY are

A &C Step-by-step explanation:

A Step-by-step explanation: I just took the test

Answer 6

by the same size and same degrees. Step-by-step explanation:

In SAS similarity theorem if two sides of one triangle are proportional to two sides of another triangle and angle between them are congruent then the triangle are similar. Step-by-step explanation: From SAS similarity theorem-two triangles are similar if all their corresponding angles are congruent and their corresponding sides are proportional. Now, we check the similarity from SAS , if two sides of first triangle are proportional to two sides of another triangle and angle between them are congruent. From triangle   UVW and triangle XYZ Use sides UV and UW in Δ UVW  and XY and XZ in ΔXYZ  . and angle between them  .

B. Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y. Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 7

Consider two triangles Δ U V W and Δ X Y Z If these are two triangles having vertices in the same order , Then to prove →→ Δ U V W ~ Δ X Y Z , By S A S We must show, the ratio of Corresponding sides are equivalent and angle between these two included corresponding sides are also equal. Option 1 is correct , because ratios are equivalent, and ∠U≅∠X.As X is in the beginning of ΔX Y Z , Similarly U is in the beginning of Δ U V W. Option 2 is correct , because ratios are equivalent, and ∠Y≅∠V. As Y is in the middle of ΔX Y Z , Similarly V is in the middle of Δ U V W. Option 3 is not true, ratios are equivalent, but ∠W ≅ ∠X should be replaced by ∠W≅∠Z. Option 4 is not true, because ratios are equivalent, and ∠U ≅ ∠Z should be replaced by ∠U≅∠X


Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y. Step-by-step explanation: we know that SAS Similarity Theorem, States that if two sides in one triangle are proportional to two sides in another triangle and the included angle in both are congruent, then the two triangles are similar In this problem there are 3 ways that the triangles be proven similar by the SAS similarity theorem 1) ∠U≅∠X and UV/XY=UW/XZ   2) ∠W≅∠Z and UW/XZ=WV/ZY 3) ∠V≅∠Y and UV/XY=WV/ZY therefore Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y.

B Step-by-step explanation: I TOOK THE QUIZ ON ED AND GOT IT RIGHT

yes Step-by-step explanation: da ting go brapp brapp brapp pow pow bada bing bada bang

Answer 6

by the same size and same degrees. Step-by-step explanation:

Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y. Step-by-step explanation: just did it on ed


Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y. Step-by-step explanation: we know that SAS Similarity Theorem, States that if two sides in one triangle are proportional to two sides in another triangle and the included angle in both are congruent, then the two triangles are similar In this problem there are 3 ways that the triangles be proven similar by the SAS similarity theorem 1) ∠U≅∠X and UV/XY=UW/XZ   2) ∠W≅∠Z and UW/XZ=WV/ZY 3) ∠V≅∠Y and UV/XY=WV/ZY therefore Show that the ratios UV/XY and WV/ZY are equivalent, and ∠V ≅ ∠Y.

Answer Prime

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