By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that “impetuous” most likely means

By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that “impetuous” most likely means

acting or done quickly and without thought or care.

“having the quality of acting impulsive or with emotion.” Explanation: Suffixes are a type of morphemes added at the end of a word to modify that word’s meaning. The suffix “ous” as in “impetuous” is used to form adjectives and it means “full of something” or “possessing” and is also found in words like “luxurious” and “pretentious.” This suffix, then, gives the word “impetuous” the quality of being an adjective. As for the whole word, it means “having the quality of acting impulsive or with emotion.”

A suffix, also known as ending, is an affix or morpheme which is attached after the root of a word to form a new word.   Specifically,  the suffix -ous is a suffix that forms adjectives which expresses that a certain person or object possesses a given quality. Therefore, by studying this suffix in the word “impetuous”, the reader can determine that such word is an adjective which means possessing great impetus,  characterized by sudden actions.

By studying the suffix from Latin impetus means “an impulse”, so impetuous most likely means a person that acts quickly and without thought or care, by impulse and the heat of the moment.

By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that impetuous most likely means to be impulsive, to act quickly without thought or care.   Explanation: The suffix ous have often been used to anglicize Latin adjectives with terminations that cannot be directly adapted into English. In this case, the word impetu comes from Latin, and means atack. Impetuous is an adjective that helps describe a person as maybe violent or that moves forcefully or rapidly without thinking much.

Answer 6

i hope this  is gona work anwser is A

Answer 7

It’s A Explanation: Just took the quiz

Pretty sure its A Explanation: Based on my knowledge of the English language. ;-;

someone who acts without impulsiveness or emotion


The correct answer is A. “Having the quality of acting impulsive or with emotion” Explanation: A suffix is a morpheme or part of a word that is added to the stem of a word (the main part of the word or a word itself) to create a new meaning. In the case of “impetuous”, the steam of this word is “impetus” which means a force that leads to action or impulse and the suffix is “ous” which is mainly used to form adjectives and thus indicates having the quality of the word it is attached to. As it happens in “Humor” (funny or comic)  and “Humorous” (having humor or being comical). Thus, impetuous means having the impetus, it means the quality of acting impulsively. Thus, if someone studies suffixes, he/she will determine “impetuous” means having the quality of acting impulsive or with emotion.

Answer Prime

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