Affaire de peau type… meaning?

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In a book of John Fowls The Magus a heroine (Australian) says to her boyfriend(Englishman): ” You are the affaire de peau type”.

The trouble is, one can’t tell whether the word “type” is in French or English. It has rather different meanings in the two languages. I assume it is English and (without having read the book or knowing the context) it could be translated as “skin deep” (i.e. rather superficial). A book translated from English into French would suggest this…
Alternatively, I would suggest that it has the meaning that the person concerned is affected by the other person’s skin colouring.

In english affaire de peau means “business of skin” however I have no idea what the writer intended to say.

For me that means that she wanted to say “‘ You are a kind of nice boy”‘ , and it should be written ”beau” not peau and then it makes sense.

Source(s): French- native

It means that you are the kind of person who does not involve a lot in a relationship

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Affaire de peau type… meaning?

If you’re scratching your head trying to figure out what affaire de peau type is, don’t worry – chances are, most people aren’t completely sure either. Nonetheless, the term has sparked debate and confusion on social media in recent weeks, so if you’re curious about what it means and why it’s trending, keep reading!

What is Affaire de peau type?

Affaire de peau type is a skin concern that affects many people. It is also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema, or contact dermatitis. The most common cause of affaire de peau type is exposure to allergens, such as grass, dust mites, or pets. However, there are a few other potential causes as well.

Affaire de peau type is a chronic skin condition that can be difficult to manage. It typically starts with dryness and intolerance to the environment. This leads to redness, itchiness, and sometimes blisters. The skin can become thickened and discolored because of the inflammation. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the affaire de peau type, but often involve using topical medications and/or self-care products.

What are the symptoms of Affaire de peau type?

Affaire de peau type is a skin condition that affects the skin on the face, neck, and upper chest. It is a type of skin cancer. The symptoms of affaire de peau type include:

-A tumor or lesion on the skin
-A change in the color or shape of the skin
-A sore that does not heal
-Itching or pain

Treatment for Affaire de peau type

If you are experiencing an affaire de peau type, there are treatments available that can help. The most common treatment is a topical cream or lotion. Depending on the severity of the affaire de peau type, other treatments, such as laser or PDT, may also be recommended.

If you are experiencing an affaire de peau type, it is important to seek out treatment as soon as possible. By seeking out treatment early, you can minimize the severity of the affaire de peau type and improve your chances of long-term success.

Prevention of Affaire de peau type

Affaire de peau type is a skin condition that is caused by an allergic reaction to a specific type of soap. The condition occurs when the sensitivity to the soap renders the skin unable to tolerate other common skin-care products and surfaces. To prevent affaire de peau type, it is important to keep your soap schedule regular, avoid using harsh soaps, and use moisturizing products. Additionally, you can take steps to reduce the risk of skin sensitization by reading product labels carefully and using products that are specifically designed for Sensitive Skin.

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