Which of the following is(are) homologous to the bones in this image?

Which of the following organisms share homology in their bone
structure? [1. frog 2. Lizard 3. Bird 4. Cat 5. Whale 6. Bat 7.
.FrOg 3. Bird Carpal Carpa Cupl 4. Cat . Whale 6. Bat 7.Human

Which of the next organisms share homology of their bone
construction? [1. frog 2. Lizard 3. Bird 4. Cat 5. Whale 6. Bat 7.
Human] .FrOg 3. Hen Carpal Carpa Cupl 4. Cat . Whale 6. Bat 7.Human

All of the above constructions share homology:
Frog, lizard , chook, cat , whale, bat & human .
All these share the identical primary construction of forelimb , though
they serve completely different features.
Alternatively , analogous organs are people who have
completely different construction however serve the identical perform.
Frog 2 Lizard 3. Hen Iturmu Carpe 4. Cat 5. Complete 6. Bat 7. Human

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