What is 3 13/16 divided by 2?

What is 3 13/16 divided by 2 as a fraction that I can see on my measuring tape?

13 Divided By 16

3 13/16 = [ (3*16) + 13 ] / 16 = 61 /16
Hence 3 13/16 divided by 2 = 61 / ( 16X2 )
.. = 61/32 = 1 29/32

Write the mixed number as an improper fraction
3 13/16 = 61/16

61/16 / 2 = 61/16 * 1/2

= 61/32

Answer: 61/32 (or 1.90625)

That is 61/16
dividing by 2 you get 61/32
which is 1 and 29/32

3 13/16=(48+13)/16
=1 29/32

Answer 6

First, express as improper fractions:
61/16 divided by 2/1: to divide fractions, reverse the second fraction and MULTIPLY:

61/16 x 1/2 = 61/32 = 1 29/32

I doubt whether any tape measure will show this kind of marking!

Answer 7

3 13/16 = 51/16 = 102/32….HALF of this would be
51/32 = 1 19/32
you did not tell us what units are visible on your measuring tape….can you see 1/32s?
If not, then you must visualize half way between

1 9/16 and 1 10/16


Answer Prime
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