People Reviews
I read a lot of romance books and I am always coming across several Greek phrases I have found out what the meaning of everything but this one I have it spelled two different ways I do not know if it is two seperate meanings or the same but when I look it up to translate it tells me that it can not be found
Both phrases are for the greek “παιδί μου”
(pronounced “peTHI mooh”, th like in “the”
– δ is transcribed as d in most cases).
It means “my child”, but apart from the literal meaning,
it has the sense of a type of address to people with whom there is familiarity (friends and relatives).
For example, ” – (pedi mou), listen to me, I’m telling you I saw the whole scene with my very own eyes”.
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What does this Greek phrase pethi mou or pedi mou translate to in English?
I read a lot of romance books and I am always coming across several Greek phrases I have found out what the meaning of everything but this one I have it spelled two different ways I do not know if it is two seperate meanings or the same but when I look it up to translate it tells me that it can not…
Pethi Mou
I also read it in many romance books and i have to say it is used wrong every time. Ok you say it to someone who you know not a stranger, but it is, in no way, romantic… For example: “Pedi mou, don’t say that, it’s not right!!” or
“pedi mou, are you supid? what don’t you understand?” Anyway, I wish someone could inform the publishing house, annoying to us, the greek
It means “my child”
It should be spelled paidi mou but it is pronounced pethi mou
Answer 6
reminds me of petit mal referring to epilepsy
Answer 7
spelled it wrong, but it means my child.
What our team says
What does this Greek phrase pethi mou or pedi mou translate to in English?
Pethi mou or pedi mou is a phrase that is used to say hello or goodbye in Greek. In English, this phrase can be translated to “have a good day” or “goodbye.”
What Does Pethi Mou Mean?
The phrase “pethi mou” means “foot me” or “let me have a foot.” It is used in Greece to ask someone to step forward.
How to Say Pedi Mou in English
What does this Greek phrase pethi mou or pedi mou translate to in English?
The literal translation of this phrase is “foot massage.”
You can use this expression to say that you would like to receive a foot massage. Alternatively, you can use it as a way to ask someone else to give you a foot massage.
Useful Phrases for Travellers
What does this Greek phrase pethi mou or pedi mou translate to in English?
This phrase means “foot of the bed” and is commonly used when asking for something like a blanket or pillow to be brought to the bed.
Another example would be if you want someone to take their seat at the table, you would say: “Pedi mou, sit here”.