I was just ast the doctor and on my print out it says RTC PRN and I was curoius what that stands for?
RTC means “return to clinic” and PRN is an acronym in latin for “pro re nata” which in English translate to “as needed”. So RTC PRN in your doctor’s note means – “return to clinic as needed”
Rtc Medical
Rtc Medical Abbreviation
I play an MMORPG. All the time. Called Eudemons Online. Most of my dreams are based off of that game. I dream I’m playing the game. What’s sad is people put way too much into the dreams they have. I’m 21 years old. When I was around 13 or so, I had a dream that made me feel when I was 33 I would die in a car crash. Nobody else involved, lifeted up 4×4. T street. A few years off, but I don’t think that what I dreamed then, will come true. Even if I had the same dream 1 time every 6 years. Things change. You change. It’s not your dreams that make your future. It’s your future that’ll make your dreams. Don’t focus on a dream you have. If anything, they’re more of a symbol of something that has happend, or never will happen. A warning, something to help you avoid a catastrophe you in your life. Live the life you have, the way you want, and not by any dreams.
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What does rtc prn mean?
I was just ast the doctor and on my print out it says RTC PRN and I was curoius what that stands for?
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