What does amas veritas mean? Its a spell they do in the movie Practical Magic?

People Reviews

Some sites say it means “true love” other say it doesn’t mean anything at all…..?

It’s Latin and it means (roughly) true love.
More Latin for you:
Me cognoscis, ergo me amas – To know me is to love me
Vincit omnia veritas – Truth conquers all.

Amas Veritas

It sort of depends. In the very olden days (and even today in some tribes) the local shaman is able to walk between the worlds and bring the deer or other game to the hunter. In the Other World much of what we think of at ‘movie magic’ is possible, as the laws of physics, etc. are not the same and what we imagine Can become real. But not here in This World, only in the Other World.

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What does amas veritas mean? Its a spell they do in the movie Practical Magic?
Some sites say it means “true love” other say it doesn’t mean anything at all…..?

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Some people believe it was, but most do not. You’ll have to decide for yourself which to believe, i must admit, it would of been pretty cool if it were true. I do not think it was.

What our team says

What does amas veritas mean? Its a spell they do in the movie Practical Magic?

Practical Magic is a 1999 movie based on the novel of the same name by Patricia Highsmith. In the movie, three sisters – Alice, Kathleen, and Sophie – are performing a spell to summon an old witch who can help them get their hands on some valuable magic beans. While amas veritas is not a spell that appears in the movie, it is still an interesting term that you might come across while researching magic spells!

What is Amas Veritas?

Amas Veritas is a spell in the movie Practical Magic which is used to reveal the truth.

How Is Amas Veritas Used in the Movie Practical Magic?

Amas veritas, or “true word,” is a spell used in the movie Practical Magic. The spell is used to create a false image of somebody so that they can be deceived.


In the movie Practical Magic, a group of witches use an amas veritas spell to help a man who has been cursed by his sister. The spelling of this spell is likely incorrect — the correct pronunciation would be “amas viridis.” Regardless of its actual name, this spell is said to help remove negative energy and bring good luck. If you’re looking for a fun but easy Halloween trick to play on your friends, give this spell a try!

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