instructions on how to make cotton candy with my ROSEART cotton candy maker?

i want to make cotton candy with my roseart cotton candy maker but i dont have the intructions

Those have been recalled.
But if you still want to use it:
-turn on machine
-let sit for 5 mins
-pour in cotton candy sugar in the machine about a teaspoon at a time
-and just keep adding more sugar slowly
-then stick the “cony stick thingys” in the machine and twirl the cotton candy around it
-turn the machine off
-enjoy you cotton candy
But be carefull because the machine can over heat and cause fire, that’s why they were recalled.
Also, if you don’t have the cotton candy sugar, white granulated sugar works also, but doesn’t have the cotton candy flavor.

Crazy Art Cotton Candy Maker

This Site Might Help You.
instructions on how to make cotton candy with my ROSEART cotton candy maker?
i want to make cotton candy with my roseart cotton candy maker but i dont have the intructions

For the best answers, search on this site
If you Google Rose Art Cotton Candy Machine Manual, you’ll find a number of articles. Most important, CHECK YOUR MODEL NUMBER. They have recalled all the 188000 models because the motor can overheat and start a fire. Please check your model before you use it!!!!!!!

did you know there is a recall on this machine? says the heating element can blow up or bakcfire…look

Answer Prime

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