Peoples Review
Stealing Alcohol From Grocery Store
I only stole when I absolutely had to. It made me feel ashamed and like a homeless person. (for awhile I was). But for each their own. If I was to do it, I wouldn’t go to a liquer store. Too many people watching you, esp. if you look young. I’d go to a store, like bj’s or walmart, or the local grocery store whatever (dept stores are bigger, your chances are better there). They may not have exactly what you want but if you’re stealing it you’re obviously desperate. Don’t bring a big purse or shopping bag, that’s way too obvious. Get a cart and put a lot of food in it. Put the liquer in when no one’s around and push the cart to where ever the restrooms are (most stores have them, some don’t). Again when no one’s looking hide the bottle under your arm or jacket, and walk into the restroom with either a small purse (if your a girl) or one of those nike back bag things if your a guy. Make sure you brought a smallish water bottle or sports drink in it. Empty the liquer in it and hide the bottle in the top part of a toilet tank, or anywhere it won’t imm. be found. Push your cart around a little longer to avoid suspision and casually walk away from it like your about to go look for an item. Walk out. Ta-dah. Worked for me on other things.
ps- if the liquer’s clear you don’t even need a bag. Just a water bottle. If you carry anything other then that or a sports drink outside a bag you’ll look weird and attract attention. You need more then the knowledge to be a good thief, you need the traits and the right character.
Answer 6
easy, from parents- take it then deny it with your dying breath, be cool don’t get emotional with them then they will know you are lying, from a store, here is a two person method one taller one shorter, taller one has a back pack, partially unzipped, shorter person slip desired bottle into back pack, then zips up the pack, and walk away do this as smooth and fast as possible, run if necessary, it is best to have a ride waiting just in case, don’t try with beer too bulky. I am not responsible for any charges brought against you in a court of law. Good luck!
well, if you get arested, obviously you didn’t do it right.
my friends and i used to steal liquor when i was in high school, which wasn’t often since most of our frinds were over 21. it’s just too sketchy to even be worth it. especially with technology these days!
Why would you want to think about stealing liquor when you can go out and get a job and earn money and that way you can get all the liquor you want when you have earnt it or save the money. DONT STEAL IT, it is not worth serving time in the jail for it. Remember you do the crime you do the time!!!!!!
Answer 7
Why the hell do you want to steal liquor?
you get a gun and some ammo, buy a richard nixon mask, steal a car, put on the mask, load the gun, find a liquor store, enter, yell stick em up, fill up a sack with your booze, leave the store, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL ********
Walk in the liquor store when they are near close, hide in a nice little nook. They never need to really check the store at closing. When the lights go off, start chugging! Not a lot of fun and a little lonely, but a killer buzz for no charge!
I hate a thief, Get a job and buy it….
Answer 6
easy, from parents- take it then deny it with your dying breath, be cool don’t get emotional with them then they will know you are lying, from a store, here is a two person method one taller one shorter, taller one has a back pack, partially unzipped, shorter person slip desired bottle into back pack, then zips up the pack, and walk away do this as smooth and fast as possible, run if necessary, it is best to have a ride waiting just in case, don’t try with beer too bulky. I am not responsible for any charges brought against you in a court of law. Good luck!
Go to an automobile repair shop and stand there. In ten minutes leave the place with all the alcohol you have inhaled and run home before someone catches or you fall unconscious.
Alternative place: Perfume shop.
you get a gun and some ammo, buy a richard nixon mask, steal a car, put on the mask, load the gun, find a liquor store, enter, yell stick em up, fill up a sack with your booze, leave the store, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL ********
go to your nearest liquor store and take it at gunpoint, then have the police light you up minutes later, then somehow posthumously tell your parents to bring your favorite flowers to your funeral…..
What our team says
how do i steal liquor?
It’s no secret that college students like to drink. But what happens when your budget is tight and you can’t afford to buy alcohol? Stealing liquor from a store might seem like the only option, but there are a few things you should know before you try this method. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to steal liquor without getting caught.
How to Steal Liquor
As long as you’re of legal drinking age, it’s not that hard to steal liquor. Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be swiping bottles in no time.
1. First, scope out your target store. Take note of which aisle the liquor is located in and what security measures are in place.
2. Next, create a diversion. This can be as simple as dropping a can on the floor or starting a fight with a friend. While the store employees are occupied, quickly grab a bottle off the shelf and make your escape.
3. If you’re feeling bold, you can try the old “switch” method. This involves swapping out an empty bottle of liquor for a full one. To do this, simply conceal the empty bottle on your person and switch it for a full bottle when no one is looking.
4. Finally, if all else fails, you can always try to bribe an employee. This may sound extreme, but it’s often the only way to get your hands on hard-to-find or limited edition liquors. Simply offer them cash or something of equal value in exchange for their help.
With these tips in mind, stealing liquor should be a
The Different Types of Liquor
There are many types of liquor out there, and each has its own unique flavor. If you’re looking to steal liquor, it’s important to know which type you want. Here are a few of the most popular types of liquor:
Whiskey: Whiskey is a smooth, rich-tasting liquor made from fermented grain mash. It’s often used in mixed drinks, such as whiskey sours and whiskey neat.
Vodka: Vodka is a clear, flavorless liquor made from distilled grains or potatoes. It’s often used in mixed drinks, such as vodka tonics and vodka cranberries.
Tequila: Tequila is a Mexican spirit made from the blue agave plant. It’s often used in margaritas and other mixed drinks.
Rum: Rum is a sweet, brown liquor made from fermented sugarcane juice or molasses. It’s often used in mixed drinks, such as rum and Cokes and rum punches.
Gin: Gin is a clear liquor made from juniper berries and other botanicals. It’s often used in gin and tonics and other mixed drinks.
The Best Way to Steal Liquor
No matter how old you are, stealing liquor is always a bad idea. Not only is it illegal, but it can also lead to serious health problems. That being said, if you’re going to steal liquor, there are some things you should know. Here’s a guide to the best way to steal liquor:
1. Choose your victim wisely. If you’re going to steal liquor, you want to make sure you’re stealing from someone who won’t miss it. Don’t take liquor from a family member or friend – they’ll definitely notice and it will just cause problems. The best place to steal liquor is from a store or bar.
2. Be quick and efficient. If you’re caught stealing, you could end up in serious trouble. So, it’s important to be quick and efficient when stealing liquor. Don’t take too much and don’t dawdle – the faster you can get in and out, the better.
3. Don’t get caught. This should go without saying, but it’s important to be stealthy when stealing liquor. Make sure you’re not seen and that there’s no evidence left behind ( fingerprints, etc). The last thing you want is to get caught and
How to Avoid Getting Caught Stealing Liquor
If you’re planning on stealing liquor, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to avoid getting caught. First, be aware of your surroundings and who might be watching you. If you’re in a store, act like you’re browsing and keep an eye out for security guards. Second, choose your liquor wisely. Go for something that’s small and easy to hide, like a bottle of vodka or whiskey. Third, be prepared to pay for the liquor if you’re caught. Have some cash on hand so you can quickly pay for the item and avoid getting arrested. Finally, don’t get caught red-handed! If you’re caught with the liquor in your hand, it’ll be harder to talk your way out of it.
By following these tips, you can avoid getting caught stealing liquor and enjoy your new purchase without any legal consequences.
There you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to steal liquor without getting caught. I hope you found this article helpful and that you’ll be able to put these tips to good use the next time you’re feeling thirsty but don’t want to spend any money. Remember to be careful and always drink responsibly!
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- how do i steal liquor? - March 10, 2025