People Reviews
Response 1
Mimì e Cocò sono due personaggi di pura fantasia.
Mimì e Cocò si sostengono a vicenda, ma più che altro è Cocò che da ragione Mimì. Mimì ha il difetto di non aver ancora capito la differenza fra teoria e pratica, tra dire e fare, e soprattutto tra mostrare e dimostrare. Cocò probabilmente non ha bisogno di certezze, Mimì sa tutto quello in cui si deve credere.
come si può capire sono personaggi nati per attempt un nome ai nostri due lati del carattere, l’incertezza e la certezza, io so tutto, io non so nulla, cocò è l’indecisione e mimì la certezza, come la battuta (mi scuso con loro) sui carabinieri– vanno in coppia perchè uno sa scrivere e l’altro sa leggere-.
oppure– i piedi su due staffe- perciò quando ti dicono– mi sembri come mimì e cocò- sai a cosa si riferiscono e devi agire di conseguenza … cioè deciderti.
Response 2
Beh se mi dici Mimà ¬, mi viene in mente la mia contatta formidabile, ne approfitto per salutarla, à ¨ davvero mitica!
Ciao un bacione Mimà ¬
! Ciao.
Response 3
devo fare una battuta x forza niente di personale credimi … sono gli amici di cagami u’ cazz.
Response 4
perche nn conosci il terzo?
MIMI::: COCO’ … e.
Response 5
bhe erano dei comici mi sembra ma io ne conoscevo altri si chiamavano bibà ¬ e cocà ²
! cmq credo che facciano ridere uguale.
Response 6
Ti sei dimenticata … KAKAMUKAZZ!!!!
Response 7
; Mi associo a Raoul …
Mici, Cocà ² e Cagam ‘u cazz.
Response 8
e ki erano tizio caio e sempronio ?!!!;D.
Response 9
non erano mimi e coco’, ma erano bibbi'( che in realta’ period Biagio Izzo) e l’altro coco’ che oggi non ha avuto la fortuna dell’ altro …
Response 10
ahahaha à ¨ veroooooo, speriamo ti diano una risp. sono come tizio e caio.
What our team says
chi erano mimì e cocò?
Mimì e Cocò were two of the most popular characters on Italian television in the 1970s. They were played by actors Maria Teresa Ruta and Maurizio Micheli, and their sketches always ended with a big hug.
Chi era Mimi?
Mimi was a popular Italian opera singer who was known for her beautiful voice and stage presence. She was born in 1858 and began her career as a child prodigy, singing in local churches and then making her professional debut at the age of 16. She soon became one of the most famous opera singers in Italy and Europe, performing at some of the most prestigious opera houses.
Mimi died tragically young, however, at the age of 36, from tuberculosis. Her death caused great public mourning, with many Italians feeling as though they had lost one of their own. In recent years, Mimi has been celebrated once again thanks to new interest in her life and work.
Chi era Cocò?
Cocò was a popular Italian comic strip character created by Mario Mariani in the early 1920s. The character appeared in the daily newspapers Il Mattino and Il Popolo d’Italia, as well as in various magazines. Cocò was a mischievous little boy who always managed to get himself into trouble. Despite his antics, he was always forgiven by his parents and loved by his friends.
The character became so popular that Mariani even wrote a book about him, titled Le avventure di Cocò (The Adventures of Cocò). This book was published in 1925 and became a best-seller in Italy.
Unfortunately, Mariani passed away in 1926 and the character of Cocò was retired. However, he remains one of the most beloved comic strip characters in Italian history.
La storia di Mimi e Cocò
Mimi e Cocò were two inseparable friends who did everything together. They lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same school. When they weren’t together, they were thinking about each other.
One day, they decided to start a blog to share their lives with the world. They called it “The Story of Mimi and Cocò”. On their blog, they wrote about their adventures, their thoughts on life, and anything else that was on their mind.
People loved reading about Mimi and Cocò’s lives. They found the girls relatable and their relationship inspiring. The blog quickly became popular, and Mimi and Cocò became internet celebrities.
They continued writing on their blog until one day, they both disappeared without a trace. Their fans were heartbroken and searched for them for years, but they were never found.
What happened to Mimi and Cocò remains a mystery to this day.
La morale della storia
Mimì e Cocò were two mice who lived in a small village in Italy. They were always together and loved to play and explore. One day, they found a hole in the wall of their home and decided to venture out into the world beyond.
They had many adventures together and made new friends along the way. Eventually, they returned home to their village and continued to live happily ever after.
The moral of the story is that friendship and adventure are always worth pursuing.
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