According to the Ruler Postulate, what does the set of points on any line correspond to?

If you were to graph a line on a coordinate plane, you would draw a set of points on that line. But what does this correspond to in the real world? In this article, we will explore the Ruler Postulate and see what it says about the corresponding points on any line.

The Ruler Postulate

The Ruler Postulate states that the points on a line corresponding to the ruler’s length are evenly spaced. This is a helpful theorem when drawing lines and other shapes on paper.

Its Applications

According to the Ruler Postulate, a set of points on a line corresponds to a straight line. This postulate has many applications in mathematics and engineering. For example, it is used to find the length of a straight line between two points, or to find the intersection of two lines.


The set of points on any line corresponds to the interval between two points on the line. This follows from the fact that a point corresponds to its real coordinates and that a coordinate system is associated with aline if and only if there exists an interval between two points in the real space corresponding to those coordinates.


The set of points on a line corresponds to the distance between those points.

Answer Prime
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