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Why is ” mi abuelo es argentina” incorrect? i think it’s incorrect because argentina is feminine and abuelo is masculine. so shouldn’t both be feminine?
yes they both should be feminine it should be Mi abuela es argentina
This sentence is incorrect since the adjective must coincide in gender and number with the person to whom it refers, therefore the correct answer must be Mi abuelo es argentino. Explanation: Adjectives are those words that accompany the noun and which express a specific quality of them. In this case, we have an example of what in Spanish is called the Adjetivo Gentilicio. It is used to name the geographical origin of a noun. In this case, from grandfather (abuelo). It is important that the adjective coincide in gender and number, so if the word grandfather is male, the adjective must also coincide. This leads us to the correct answer is: Mi abuelo es argentino.
‘Mi abuelo es argentino’, is the right answer. Explanation: Mi abuelo es argentina is incorrect because abuelo means grandfather, who is obviously a male, and the adjective argentina is used to denote feminine gender because it ends with -a. Instead, if you want to correct this sentence, you should write the adjective in masculine form (ending with -o). So, it should go like this: Mi abuelo es argentino.
Because abuelo, is a masculine word (grandfather) and argentina is a feminine word (woman/girl from Argentina). To make the sentence correct you can either change the adjective: Mi abuelo es argentino. —> Mi grandfather is argentine. Or the noun: Mi abuela es argentina —> Mi grandmother is argentine. Hope it helped, BioTeacher101
It’s not. It’s saying “My grandpa is Argentina”
Answer 7
Yeah he’s right i got the answer right!!
What our team says
Why is ‘ mi abuelo es argentina’ incorrect?
If you’re a Spanish speaker, you might be wondering why the phrase “mi abuelo es argentina” is incorrect. After all, it seems to make perfect sense – “my grandfather is Argentine.” So what’s the problem? It turns out that there are two potential issues with this phrase. First, it could be an example of using the wrong word order. In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify, so saying “mi abuelo es argentina” would literally mean “my grandfather is Argentine.” This would imply that your grandfather is from Argentina, rather than being Argentine himself. Alternatively, the issue could lie in the use of the word “es.” Remember that in Spanish, there are different verbs for “to be” depending on whether the subject is male or female. So in this case, saying “es” would imply that your grandfather is a woman – not exactly what you probably intended to say!
The difference between
“My grandfather is Argentine” and “My grandfather is from Argentina” might seem like a small one, but it’s an important distinction to make. The first sentence would imply that your grandfather was born in Argentina, while the second would imply that he is of Argentine descent.
“Why is ‘ mi abuelo es argentina’ incorrect?”
There are a few reasons why saying “my grandfather is Argentine” would be incorrect. For one, Argentina is not a nationality – it is a country. So technically, one could not be Argentine. Additionally, if your grandfather was born in Argentina, he would likely be of Italian or Spanish descent – making him Italian or Spanish, not Argentine.
The correct way to say
“My grandfather is from Argentina” in Spanish would be “Mi abuelo es de Argentina.” Saying “mi abuelo es argentina” is incorrect because Argentina is a feminine noun and therefore must take the feminine definite article “la.”
Other common mistakes with Spanish family terms
“mi abuelo es argentina” is incorrect because “abuelo” is masculine and “argentina” is feminine. The correct phrase would be “mi abuela es argentina.”
Other common mistakes with Spanish family terms include using the wrong gender for a relative or using a term that is too specific when a more general one would suffice. For example, using “tio” (uncle) when referring to one’s father’s brother instead of “abuelo” (grandfather).
It is important to note that just because a sentence is in the present tense does not mean that it is necessarily correct. In the case of ‘ mi abuelo es argentina’, the use of the present tense implies that one’s grandfather is currently from Argentina – when this may not be true. To avoid making such mistakes, it is always best to consult with a native speaker or grammar expert before using unfamiliar tenses.
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