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The quote I saw was “My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred. In the emperor’s name, let none survive.” Where is that from?
Warhammer 40,000. Humans must develop a sense of contempt, disgust and hatred for mutants, heretics and xenos, so that humanity can survive without impurities.
Warhammer 40k Quotes
Black night i think. Its a story featuring the emperors warbringers. The chaplain is a major badass.
it is from warhammer 40k from space marine captains
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Where is this quote from? “My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust…”?
In the movie 300, King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) rallies his troops before battle by declaring “My men are courageous, but they are not stupid. They know what is at stake. If we lose, our families will be killed. If we win, our families will be spared.” This quote is often used as a motivational speech for soldiers, but where did it come from? In 401 BC, the Greek historian Xenophon wrote an account of the Persian Wars entitled Anabasis. In it, he describes a battle between the Greeks and Persians near Thermopylae in Greece. After the Greeks had repelled several Persian assaults, King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) gave a speech to his troops encouraging them to fight to the death rather than flee. He said: “Men of Sparta! Do not become like women. Be brave and do not show any fear. Remember that your mothers bore you in pain and labor and brought you up with a harsh discipline. So now be brave and manly; give no ground; stand your ground like men.” The phrase “My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust…” can be found in Xenophon’s
Who Said This Quote?
“My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust…”
This quote is from the novel, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
What Does It Mean?
“My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust…” -Shakespeare
This quote is from Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest. It means that the person wearing these clothes is not afraid of anything and they are not going to be deterred by anything. They are not afraid of anyone and they are not going to back down from a fight.
I cannot find this quote. Can anyone help?