People Reviews
i went to midget town when i was younger and cant remember how to get back. does n e one else know how to get there??
It’s an urban legend.
If you go to Google Maps and use the satellite view function for the area you think it’s in than look for it that way and you will find it doesn’t exist.
If you do that for Virginia Country Club in LB you come up with nothing but the country club and the normal homes surrounding it.
Midget Town Downey
Rumors abound as to the location of “Midgetville” or “Midget Town” in the Bixby Knolls area of Long Beach (at the end of Virginia Road), with people swearing that they’ve been there. However, nobody can seem to remember exactly where it is, or how to get back. No directions are ever given, and satelline scans of the area show no signs. At this point, we just chalk it up to urban legend. What IS there is really BIG houses.
I cant say for sure if there are actual midgets living there because I have never seen any venture out, but what I can tell you for sure is that there is a neighborhood with all these tiny houses. Lakewood on the south Gallatin on the north Brookshire to the east and Paramount on the west. Somewhere in the middle there is a street which looks as if you are driving in someones driveway, but its an actual street with small houses, and I totally mean they are tiny. I was there for a garage sale, but cant remember where at except somewhere in the middle of where I just said. I cant imagine anyone in their right mind living in one of theses houses except they be vertically challenged.
Source(s): Been there
I used to live near the country club in LB, the house I was always told was the midget house was brick with brick walls around the back, seem like it had a lot of evergreen trees or shrubs around it. of course that was about 25-30 years ago!
Answer 6
That address happens to belong to Rancho Los Cerritos, hardly a village for little people. This is just urban legend. Why would anyone want to go lurking about a neighborhood like that even if it did exist?
Answer 7
My sister lives in Downey, CA and took me there 3 years ago but the people there swore me to secrecy. Sorry.
It s near the border of Bell Gardens and Downey just over the bridge…
This is such an urban legend no one is exactly sure if it actually is an urban legend…(that’s the best kind). This place has been rumored to be in numerous places in Southern California….
Don’t think so
What our team says
where is midget town in Downey, CA?
Midget town is a small community located in Downey, CA. It is home to a variety of businesses and services that cater to the needs of its residents. Midget town is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
What is midget town?
Midget town is an urban legend in Downey, CA. Supposedly, there is a small community of midgets who live in their own little enclave within the city. No one knows for sure if it exists or not, but it’s a fun story to tell nonetheless!
The history of midget town
Midget town was once a small community located in Downey, CA. The community was home to many small businesses and families. However, over the years the community has dwindled down to only a few families. The community is still home to a few small businesses, but most of the original residents have moved away.
Where is midget town located?
Midget town is located in Downey, CA.
What are the attractions in midget town?
Midget town is a small village located in Downey, CA. The village is home to a variety of attractions, including a midget museum, a midget zoo, and a midget race track.
How to get to midget town
Downey, CA is home to midget town, an enclave of small homes built for people of reduced stature. The development is located just off of I-5, near the intersection of Firestone Boulevard and Imperial Highway.
To get to midget town, take I-5 south to Firestone Boulevard and exit west. Imperial Highway will be the first major intersection you come to; turn left (south) onto it and midget town will be on your right.
Though there is no official midget town in Downey, CA, many believe that the small community of Midgetsville exists just outside of town. This close-knit group of people have been living peacefully for years, and while they may be a little bit different from everyone else, they still consider themselves to be part of the Downey community. If you’re ever in the area, be sure to stop by and say hello to the friendly folks in Midgetsville!
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