when a chocolate bar is cut in half its density is?


If you are asking about the density of the chocolate bar, surely it’s density is still unchanged.

Unchanged. Density is basically a measure of how tightly packed something is. Take a bunch of marshmallows and stuff them into a ziplock bag until it’s bursting; that would be high density. Just one marshmallow in the bag would be low density. Cutting a chocolate bar in half will not change the density. You just have two pieces of equally dense chocolate.

Answer 6

i visit think of it extremely is your homework, so i will supply you information on the thank you to get your answer when you consider that somebody has already given you the solutions. what’s density? nicely, it is calculated because of the fact the quantity of mass in keeping with quantity, in fact how tightly crammed in the problem of an merchandise is. So, does slicing the article in 0.5 replace how tightly the problem is packed into the gap? For the 2d question, you are able to desire to look at what varieties of contraptions are indexed, can mass take transport of in contraptions of kg? newtons?

B) Unchanged

Density is unchanged. Because it is mass per Unit volume. U can’t change it by dividing the material to 10000* parts!

Answer 7

Unchanged. Density doesn’t change according to amount


b. unchanged because dinsity is a measure of volume and mass

Density has to do with the mass per volume.
Not with the size overall.
Think about it this way, if you have a pitcher of water. Water’s density is 1g per cm^3.
If you have a glass of water, it still has the same density. It’s kind of like thickness. The water is still as thick as before.
It’s kind of a difficult concept, but I hope you understand it a bit more.

of course the density will not change, the formula for density is DENSITY = MASS/ VOLUME. if the mass reduced and the volume remain unchange, then the density will decrease. if the mass remain unchange and the volume reduced, then the density will increase. the problem is what happen to the density of an object when cut into half. (which mean both mass and volume change at a same rate). let, the mass = 200g and volume = 100cm3, so the density is 2g/cm3. now you cut off the mass and volume into half, so mass = 100g and volume = 50cm3, so the density is 2g/cm3

Answer 6

i visit think of it extremely is your homework, so i will supply you information on the thank you to get your answer when you consider that somebody has already given you the solutions. what’s density? nicely, it is calculated because of the fact the quantity of mass in keeping with quantity, in fact how tightly crammed in the problem of an merchandise is. So, does slicing the article in 0.5 replace how tightly the problem is packed into the gap? For the 2d question, you are able to desire to look at what varieties of contraptions are indexed, can mass take transport of in contraptions of kg? newtons?

it will have 1/2 the mass & 1/2 the volume, so mass/volume will be the same.


b. unchanged because dinsity is a measure of volume and mass

Answer Prime

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