What Does Ergo, Vis a Vis, Concordantly Mean?

People Reviews

I was watching the Mtv movie parody’s and in the Matrix reloaded one, Will Farrell said “ergo, vis a vis, concordantly”

Therefore, ‘with regard to'(literally Face to Face), In a way that agrees with.
I have seen the clip you are talking about, they were parodying the overly complex manner in which the architect spoke in the film. These phrases can make the speaker seem like an elitist and are frequently miss-used. They usually come before or after a a conclusion to make it seem more….definative…dinfinativly.

Vis-a-vis Definition

ergo = therefore
vis a vis = with regard to
concordantly = agreeably

Ergo is latin for therefore.
vis a vis i think means face to face
im not sure what concordantly means though.

Source(s): just guessing i guess

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Y u tryna fry ma brainz, guuurl??

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What Does Ergo, Vis a Vis, Concordantly Mean?

“Ergo” is a Latin word meaning “therefore.” It is commonly used in English to introduce a logical consequence or inference. “Vis-a-vis” means “in relation to.” It is used to indicate that two things are directly opposite or opposed to each other. “Concordantly,” meanwhile, means “in agreement.”

What does

Ergo, vis a vis, and concordantly mean?

These three words are often used in academic writing, but what do they actually mean?

Ergo is a Latin word that means “therefore.” It is commonly used to introduce a logical conclusion or inference.

Vis a vis is a French phrase that means “in relation to.” It is often used to compare or contrast two things.

Concordantly is an English word that means “in agreement.” It is often used to describe how two things are related.

What does

Ergo, vis a vis, and concordantly mean?

These three words are often used in conjunction with one another, and they all have similar meanings. Ergo means “therefore” or “hence.” Vis a vis means “in the presence of” or “compared to.” Concordantly means “in agreement” or “harmoniously.”

What does

Ergo, vis a vis, and concordantly mean?

Ergo is a Latin word meaning “therefore.” It is often used to introduce a conclusion or an inference based on previous statements.

Vis a vis is a Latin phrase meaning “face to face.” It is often used to describe two people or things that are facing each other.

Concordantly is an adjective meaning “in agreement.” It is often used to describe two people or things that are in agreement with each other.

How to use these terms in a sentence

If you’re ever unsure about how to use a term in a sentence, the best thing to do is to look up some example sentences online. Here are some examples for using “ergo,” “vis-a-vis,” and “concordantly” in a sentence:

1. Ergo, we can conclude that the earth is round.
2. The company’s sales have been declining vis-a-vis its competitors.
3. His behavior was concordant with what we expected from him.

Example sentences using these terms

1. Ergo, the meeting will be held on Wednesday.
2. Vis-a-vis, I think we need to discuss this issue further.
3. Concordantly, both sides need to come to an agreement.


Ergo, vis a vis, and concordantly are all words that have similar meanings. They are often used to mean “therefore” or “as a result.” While they can be used interchangeably, it is important to note that each word has its own unique connotation. Ergo implies logic or reasoning, while vis a vis implies comparison or contrast. Concordantly, on the other hand, simply means in agreement. When choosing which word to use, it is important to consider the context in which you will be using it.

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