People Reviews
ciao ragazzi..ieri ero a scuola e ho guardato le mie amiche e stavano aspirando attravero una penna senza mina una polverina bianca..facevano i video e poi ridevano..mi hanno detto che period zucchero e infatti lo period xk lo assaggiato ed period provoca effetti collaterali?mi spiegate un po? grazie mille……….un bacio a tutti
Reply 1
Porta diabete (se vi va bene) perchè lo zucchero va a finire direttamente nel cervello e nel sangue altrimenti porta un grave scompenso cardio-circolatorio e si rischia di morire (se vi va male).
Di alle tue amiche di fare cose costruttive invece di fare queste cazzate!!!
Reply 2
si incomincia con lo zucchero e poi lo lascio alla vostra immaginazione
Reply 3
provoca deficienza al miocardio con conseguente stupidosi cronica…
Reply 4
il naso inizia advert appiciarsi non respiri più, e se la cosa persiste per evitare un soffocamento alla laringe è necessario amputare il naso… digielo alle tue amiche ah e poi se nella penna c’erano residui di inchiostro si deve fare un trapianto di bronchi.
Reply 5
Per uno che se ne intende vuoi dire uno che ha sniffato zucchero e sa gli effetti collaterali? Difficilmente lo troverai perchè penso che le uniche deficenti a fare una cosa del genere saranno state le tue amiche…e ridevano pure le imbecilli, chiedili a loro gli effetti, anche se secondo me le tue amiche gli effetti collaterali non gli son venuti con lo zucchero ce li hanno proprio nel DNA.
Reply 6
Se insisti, ti si caramella il cervello!
Reply 7
qnd sniffi lo zucchero vai nel mondo degli uomini del pan di stelle
Reply 8
pensate alla salute che è meglio!!!
Reply 9
secondo me tu e le tue amiche siete sceme…
esso provoca diarrea a volte vomito o mal di pancia
Reply 10
penso di no!!è solo zucchero quello ke ti puo venire può essere un prurito al naso!!
What our team says
sniffare zucchero cosa provoca?
While we often take for granted the things that make us smell good, like perfume or cologne, there are many substances that can have an effect on our sense of smell. In this article, we’ll take a look at what zucchero (a type of sugar) is commonly used for and what it can potentially cause when consumed in large quantities.
What is Zucchero?
Zucchero, or sugar, is a white crystalline powder that is used to sweeten foods and beverages. It is commonly found in Italian dishes, and it is also used as an artificial sweetener. Some people believe that sniffing zucchero can cause a craving for sweets.
What are the Different Types of Sniffare?
Sniffing is the act of inhaling the volatile chemical substances found in fragrant objects or gases, either to identify a scent or to assess its character. A person who sniffles is said to be snuffling.
The different types of sniffing depend on what substance is being sniffed and what type of sniffer is involved. Inhalation of volatile chemicals (such as petrol, paint fumes, or glue) results in exposure to their individual smells. Sniffers who are primarily concerned with identifying a scent take particular notice of this; those who are mainly interested in assessing a substance’s character take in more general impressions.
There are four main ways that sniffers can detect odours: through the nose, through the mouth, through the umbilical cord, and through skin secretions.
What are the Effects of Sniffare?
Sniffing zucchero can have a number of effects, depending on how much is sniffed and how often.
The most common effects of sniffing zucchero are:
blurred vision
increased heart rate
Prevention Tips for Zucchero Abuse
If you are struggling with the temptation to sniff zucchero, here are some prevention tips that may help:
– Avoid overindulging in sweets and carbohydrates in general. This will make it harder to resist the urge to sniff zucchero.
– Be aware of your surroundings and avoid being alone when you have the urge to sniff zucchero. This will reduce your chances of getting into an embarrassing or dangerous situation.
– If you do find yourself in a situation where you have to smell zucchero, try to do it discreetly and without making too much noise. This way, you can avoid drawing attention to yourself and offending anyone around you.
Sniffare zucchero cosa provoca? is an interesting question that has puzzled many people for years. Some believe that sniffing too much sugar can lead to a host of health problems, while others claim it’s nothing more than a harmless habit. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but until we know for sure what really causes the problems associated with sniffing too much sugar, we’ll just have to be careful and try to limit our intake as much as possible.
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