model thigh measurements?

what measurement are the thighs of models?

Anything 20″ or smaller is fine for thighs. But if you are 5’8″ and only have a 32″ inseam you do not have long legs. Your legs are perfectly fine and completely normal length for your height, but models need to have an inseam that is at least 1/2 of their total height, so you’d need to be 34″ inseam to have model proportions. But if you want to do something like swimwear or fitness, then it doesn’t matter. But for fashion/catalog/fit modeling production samples for trousers are generally cut for a 34-35″ inseam
One of the girls in my office is 5’9″ and was rejected by an agency because she had a 34″ inseam and they told her that was too short. They said she could do commercial or lingerie work but not runway/editorial

Source(s): 13 years industry experience, agency experience

Model Leg Measurements

between 15-18 inches.
but thats not to say that you couldnt be a model.
give the nearest talent agency a call

Probably <20 inches for catwalk models. So about where you are. Hope this helps.

Answer Prime
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