People Reviews
I’m thinking that someone who reads a lot of western novels or knows about the Old West would know this. It’s the scene when Wyatt takes over the Oriental casino. The character who gave the line is named Johnny Tyler and was played by Billy Bob Thornton. The entire quote is “Well, for a man that don’t go heels, you run your mouth kinda reckless, don’t you?” Thanks for the help!
I don’t know but I’m watching it right now on Encore I’ll look for it.
Go Heels Tombstone
But Wyatt answered back, “I don’t need to go heeled for a [email protected]$!# like you”
then he looked him in the eye and asked “Are you gonna jerk that smoke wagon?” After the guy looked scared, Wyatt said “I didn’t think so” He reached down and took the guy’s gun and tossed it to the bartender.
Then he grabbed the guy by the ear and threw him outside.
Johnny Tyler Tombstone
He said “you run your mouth awful reckless for a man who don’t go heeled. Wyatt was unarmed and said, No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you. heeled is armed with a weapon.
Answer 6
It means, he didnt have any guns on him. Heeled ~ to be armed with a gun. “He wanted to fight me, but I told him I was not heeled.” This webpage has a lot of old west slang and phrases.…
I’m watching Tombstone right now for the gazzillionth time.
Answer 7
To “go heels” is to carry a gun. When Wyatt Earp came to Tombstone he had retired and no longer carried a gun. The deal was saying to him “I see your not armed, and I am.”
Actually, the quote is “go heeled”, and going heeled means carrying a firearm. Wyatt is unarmed.
Heels refers to pistol grips on old breech loaded six shooters. If a man went heels he carried guns. In the movie Wyatt wasn’t carrying guns…yet. He was a man who don’t go heels. Basically he said, “no need to carry guns to beat a dumb *** like you.” Get a bulge (swelling lump) on a dub (fool/idiot) like you.
It means he doesn’t stand his ground, he’ll run his mouth but he wont back it up.
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In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” What does “go heels” mean?
If you’ve ever seen the movie Tombstone, then you might be familiar with the phrase “go heels.” But what does it actually mean? In this article, we’ll take a look at the meaning of this phrase and how it’s used in the movie.
The movie Tombstone
In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” What does “go heels” mean?
In the movie, Tombstone, Wyatt Earp is told by his friend Doc Holliday that he “don’t go heels.” This means that Wyatt should be careful not to get too close to the law.
The quote
“In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” What does “go heels” mean?”
Although the phrase “go heels” is not used in modern day society, it was a common saying back in the 1800s. The phrase means to turn around and leave quickly. In the context of the movie, Wyatt was being told to leave before things got too dangerous.
In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” What does “go heels” mean?
In the movie, “Tombstone”, Wyatt is told by his friend that he “don’t go heels.” This means that he should not get involved in a gunfight.
Other examples of the phrase
The phrase “go heels” is used in a variety of contexts, often to describe someone who is acting out of character or against their better judgment.
For example, you might say to your friend who is considering getting a tattoo, “Don’t go heels and get something you’ll regret later.” Or if your co-worker is known for being punctual and reliable, you might be surprised if they show up late to work one day and say, “What’s going on? You usually don’t go heels like this.”
In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” What does “go heels” mean? It means don’t do something out of character or against your better judgment.
“Go heels” is a phrase that means to go all out or to give everything you’ve got. It’s often used as encouragement, telling someone to go for it and not hold back. In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt is told he that he “don’t go heels.” This likely means that he isn’t going all out in his efforts, and the person telling him this wants him to give it his all.
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