Age of Adaline is one of those movies that seems to defy logic. It has a storyline that makes no sense and an ending that’s even harder to understand. But despite its flaws, there are some great jokes in it. In this article, we’ll talk about the joke in Age of Adaline that we couldn’t understand and how you can too.
The Joke
The joke in Age of Adaline is about baseball legend Ted Williams and his horse, Black Caviar. It goes like this:
Who’s ever heard of a horse pitch?
It ain’t fair, that’s why it’s called baseball.
The Origins of the Joke
The joke in Age of Adaline is about baseball Hall-of-Famer Ted Williams and a horse. It’s a clever little ditty that has seen many iterations over the years, but the most well-known version is probably the one that ends with “Who’s ever heard of a horse pitch?” The punchline is that even Williams didn’t know what that was.
The origins of the joke are unknown, but it likely started circulating in the early 1900s. at some point, someone added the line about horses pitching, and it quickly became a popular gag. In recent years, the joke has been featured on TV shows like The Office and Saturday Night Live, and even made an appearance in the movie Ted. So, whether you’ve heard it before or not, chances are you’re familiar with the Age of Adaline version.
The Explanation of the Joke
The joke in Age of Adaline is about baseball legend Ted Williams and a horse. The joke is set up by the movie’s narrator, who asks a crowd of people at a baseball game what they know about horse pitching. Most people in the crowd have no idea what he’s talking about, but one man – presumably an old baseball fan – responds with “Who’s ever heard of a horse pitch?” The punchline of the joke is that, even though most people haven’t heard of it, the horse pitch was actually a common occurrence in the history of baseball.
The Conclusion
In the article “Age of Adaline”, a joke is made about baseball legend Ted Williams and a horse. The joke is that no one has ever heard of a horse pitching, which is why the punchline is funny. It’s a clever joke that uses an established fact to make a humorous point.
Explanation In Detail
So the setup asks that you assume absurdity. The horse can talk. OK, the horse talks.
Then it asks that you, for the sake of the joke, assume a second absurdity. The horse can bat. OK, the horse can bat.
Then it asks that you, for the sake of the joke, assume a third absurdity. The horse can field. OK, the horse can field.
By this point, it has established the rules The horse can talk, bat, and play shortstop. Oh, and it does them with Ted Williams, a real person.
The punchline then subverts this established idea, in this case by stating reality, who has ever heard of a horse who can pitch?
An unexpected punchline, makes the listener feel stupid for going along with the joke at all.
If you wish, you can view this as a metajoke, in that it is aware of the conventions of a joke, but then goes outside those conventions to provide the surprise which is necessary to all jokes.
This is no different than why did the cнιcκen cross the road? To get to the other side. Yet little kids laugh because it is a true answer, but it was unexpected.
Horses can’t pitch.
Okay, so a horse pitch is when a rider is thrown off/expelled suddenly from the horse’s back. It makes the joke so funny because in reality a horse obviously can’t bat or play shortstop, but a horse CAN actually pitch (just not in baseball). Classic hilarious pun.
Meaning Of Adaline
Horse Pitcher
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