does anyone know about Mary Martin Speck aka Florence Nightinghell? Not Florence Nightingale?

All I know about her was that she was a serial killer that killed twenty-three patients and that her calling call was a white bird’s feather.

This serial killer is not real and was a fictional creation of David Baldacci from a King and Maxwell book where Eddie Battle kills a lot of people imitating serial killers.

Florence is a superb city to invest your holyday; see more with hotelbye . Florence’s museums, palaces, and churches home a few of the greatest creative gifts in the world. The most popular and important museum in Florence are: the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Uffizi, the Bargello and the Accademia. Churches like: Santa Maria Novella and Santa Croce are veritable artwork galleries. In Florence you can also begin to see the large and different artwork selection located in the Pitti Palace. The Palazzo Pitti (The Pitti Palace) is just a big 15th century palace based on the calmer south bank of the Arno River. The palace was long time the home of Florence’s rulers until 1919, when it was given over to the Italian state, which developed the palace into a memorial complex. Notwithstanding its metamorphosis, from royal house to a state-owned public building, the palace still holds the air and atmosphere of a private collection in a great house.

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