Convert 22.6 square centimeters to square inches ( to the nearest hundredth).

22.6 square centimeters to square inches to the nearest hundredths is 3.50 square inches. Step-by-step explanation: Use conversion: Given the statement: Convert 22.6 square centimeters to square inches. Using above conversion: Therefore, the conversion of 22.6 square centimeters to square inches to the nearest hundredths is 3.50 square inches.

start with a line segment pq that we will copy. mark a point r that will be one endpoint of the new line segment. set the compasses’ point on the point p of the line segment to be copied. adjust the compasses’ width to the point q. the compasses’ width is now equal to the length of the line segment pq. step-by-step explanation:

Its would have to be 3.50

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