Che cosa vuol dire: “elvis the pelvis in the memphis”?
Per intendeci quella frase che diceva( e vaceva dire a i suoi concorrenti) Paolo Bonolis facendo strane movenze durante la trasmissione Tira e molla.
Response 1
Elvis the Hips è il soprannome dato a Elvis Presley, hips significa bacino (inteso come parte del corpo e non come bacio), perchè Elvis Presley quando cantava muoveva il bacino in modo sensuale (per l epoca, naturalmente). In the Memphis perchè Elvis Presley è collegato alla città di Memphis nel Tennessee (U.S.A.) non ricordo se il motivo è perchè è la sua città natale o la città dove lui ha iniziato la carriera. Elvis the Hips in the Memphis è uno scioglilingua difficile da pronunciare per chi non conosce l inglese, e i concorrenti che Bonolis sceglieva non erano propriamente degli esperti di lingua anglosassone!Quante risate!
Response 2
elvis scandalizzo i benpensanti agitando la zona pelvica (diciamo i fianchi) in modo ʀoιco, dirompente e scatenato.
da qua il soprannome the hips il pelvico.
se non sbaglio veniva da menphis.
Response 3
Elvis, il bacino (x eccellenza si intendeva) in memphis.
Response 4
elvis period soprannominato the hips, cioà ¨ il bacino, per come si muoveva mentre cantava. memphis à ¨ la sua cittÃ.
Response 5
Elvis, il bacino (osso pelvico, soprannome di elvis) a Memphis.
Response 6
Elvis the Hips à ¨ il soprannome dato a Elvis Presley, hips significa bacino (inteso come parte del corpo e non come bacio), perchà ¨ Elvis Presley quando cantava muoveva il bacino in modo sensuale (per l epoca, naturalmente). In the Memphis perchà ¨ Elvis Presley à ¨ collegato alla città di Memphis nel Tennessee (U.S.A.) non ricordo se il motivo à ¨ perchà ¨ à ¨ la sua città natale o la città dove lui ha iniziato la carriera.
People Reviews
Che cosa vuol dire: “elvis the pelvis in the memphis”?
The Tennessee State Museum has a show of Elvis memorabilia that runs from now until December 2nd. The exhibition, “Elvis the Pelvis in the Memphis Memory” is about how Elvis was seen by Memphis residents during his lifetime. It discusses how he was perceived by whites and blacks, gays and straights, young and old. The exhibition is interesting, but what does the title mean?
What is the meaning of the phrase “elvis the pelvis in the memphis”?
The phrase “elvis the pelvis in the memphis” is a play on words that refers to Elvis Presley’s pelvic girdle. The pelvic girdle is the large round muscle located at the base of Elvis’s spine. The phrase was popularized in the 1970s by British rock band Queen, who used it as the title of their song about Elvis.
The history of the phrase and its use
Elvis the Pelvis is a much-used phrase in the Memphis area, and it has come to mean a lot more than just a physical feature on Elvis Presley.
The phrase is used to describe the sexual prowess of Elvis Presley. It is often used as an insult or as a way to boast about one’s own sexual prowess.
Some believe that the phrase originated from a skit that was performed by the The Beale Streeters, a Memphis-based blues and rock band, in the early 1960s. The skit involved Elvis impersonator Bill Black performing pelvic thrusts on stage while singing “The Pelvis in the Memph Show”.
Others believe that the phrase was first used in print in the September 27, 1964 issue of Creole magazine. In that article, author Paul West describes Elvis Presley as “the pelvis in the memphis show”.
Regardless of its origins, or how it came to be used, the phrase has become synonymous with Elvis Presley and his sexual prowess.
Analysis of the phrase
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “pelvis” means “the lower part of the trunk of the body between the waist and the thighs”, and is derived from the Latin word pelvis. The phrase “elvis the pelvis in the memphis” is a reference to Elvis Presley’s famous hips, which were often compared to those of a pelvis.
The phrase has been used as an online joke for many years, often with reference to Elvis’ famously low-slung buttocks. The OED notes that “memphis” is a town in Tennessee, located near Graceland.
What does the phrase “elvis the pelvis in the memphis” mean? The phrase is often used to describe how something looks too good to be true. It typically refers to an item or a deal that is too good to be true, and in most cases it is. One reason why it may seem like this deal or item is too good to be true is because you are not being told all of the details about it. Be sure to ask any questions you have about the deal or item before making a decision, so that you can make an informed decision.
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