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I know this.
Nihongo = Japanese in this case
Desu = Is
Ka = questionmark
Nihongo desu ka means =
Is (He, she, it, they or us) japanese?
It sounds short but its other composition than western languages. They only say “Japanese is?”, they leave the he she it out because in their way of speaking it is obvious who is talked about and therefor uneccesary to mention them again so they only say “Is”.
Here is the sentence in japanese hiragana writing にほんごです.
Source(s): My own languageskills.
Nihongo Desu
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I believe the question mark doesn’t belong to the Japanese sentence, right? Or it would have ended with the particle -ka. Therefore, the sentence is not a question and means: “your Japanese is good”. I would have expected “Anata no nihongo HA jozu desu” but maybe you don’t need the particle “ha/wa” in this case… not sure about it.
Nihongo is Japanese language. Desu ka is a question form. Is that Japanese?
‘日本語 (Nihongo)’ means Japanese (language)
‘か (Ka)’ implies that this phrase is a question
Therefore, this phrase, in English, is essentially saying: ‘Japanese?’
In simple asking if something said is Japanese, as ‘日本語 (Nihongo)’ means Japanese (as in the language), as stated before.
In response to a previous answer, if the question was referring to a person who was Japanese, ‘日本人 (Nihonjin)’ would be used in place of ‘日本語 (Nihongo)’
Answer 6
Nhongo = Japanese Language.
Desu ka = Is it?
This isn’t a complete sentence, but I would translate it as (and it could change depending on the context) “Is it in Japanese?”
Answer 7
The original Japanese wording is more like that of a statement (Your Japanese is good) than a question, but the translation (including the ‘?’) would be: Is your Japanese good?
Translate Nihongo To English
That’s a good question!
-Japanese Language? …..
it could be are you japanese speaker?
is it japanese language?
nihongo means japanese language.
desuka? = used when u ask to listener
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can someone translate this to English : nihongo desu ka?
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What is Japanese?
Japanese is a language spoken in Japan and by people of Japanese descent around the world. It is written from left to right, and uses a syllabary based on phonetic principles. Japanese has two main dialects: Eastern and Western.
Japanese is an agglutinative language, which means that words are constructed by adding suffixes and prefixes to other words. This makes it difficult for English speakers to learn, but allows for a great deal of variety in word construction. There are also a number of borrowings from other languages present in Japanese, giving it a somewhat eclectic feel.
Japanese is also notable for its complex syntax. This means that sentence structure is very important, and can vary greatly from one sentence to the next. This can be confusing for English speakers, but it results in a rich and complex language full of nuances that are not always easy to express in other languages.
How to say
Hi, can someone translate this to English?
How to say
“Hello, I am Japanese”
Hello. My name is Japanese.
How to say
“I can’t read Japanese”
Incorrect way to say this:
Kono jisho de kanji desu ka?
Basic vocabulary for travel in Japan
Looking to explore Japan in a new way? Here are some essential words and phrases for travel in Japan!
arigato gozaimasu: Thank you very much
konnichiwa: Good morning
konbanwa: Good afternoon
matenrou gozaimasu: Thank you for your attention.
Useful phrases for food and drink
Japanese food and drink can be quite intricate and full of flavour. Here are a few phrases that may come in handy when ordering something on the menu or when sipping on your favourite drink.
This is delicious.
How’s your rice?
Would you like this drink to be served with alcohol?
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