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Bisogna prima far parte dell’esercito italiano?
Non c’entra nulla l’esercito italiano con quello USA. per poter entrare a fat parte dell’esercito americano, bisogna essere in possesso di un diploma di scuola superiore americano. Inoltre, è imprescindibile aver ottenuto lo status di residente permanente degli Stati Uniti, in altre parole essere in possesso di una Green Card. L’esercito non consente l’arruolamento di immigrati clandestini o di persone con precedenti penali.
In realtà se vuoi arruolati nei “marines” italiani basta accedere all’esercito o alla marina militare. Esiste infatti la brigata marina San Marco per la marina militare e il reggimento Langunari Serenissima nell’esercito. Entrambi in battaglia svolgono gli stessi compiti dei marines americani.
Con tutto il rispetto, qui tanti rispondono senza sapere nulla e avere le informazioni necessarie, ma basandosi solo su opinioni o “per sentito dire”. Dato che entrare nei Marines non è una cosa da nulla, specialmente dato che non sei Americano, meglio informarsi su siti più importanti e ufficiali.……
serve la cittadinanza USA, tanto per cominciare…
Answer 6
no bisogna avere la cittadinanza americana
Answer 7
Sono scartati gli obesi, i mezzi rachitici, i rammolliti, gli imbecilli.
Sono d’accordo con te che Il film intitolato “Full metal jacket” è solo un film di fantasia che fa riferimento all’epoca della guerra del Vietnam ma qualcosa di realistico ancora è rimasto.
Se il rapporto aritmetico tra il perimetro del petto e il girovita non è entro i limiti del regolamento che c’è là… scartato !
Se il rapporto aritmetico tra altezza e peso non è entro i limiti del regolamento che c’è là… scartato !
Comunque dai tempi della guerra del Vietnam le condizioni degli asipranti marines sono migliorate molto, adesso c’è meno severità.
Certo anzi, è consigliabile, solo lì trovi dei negri ciclopici che punteranno subito al tucùl.
Bisogna prima essere cittadino americano
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Un italiano può arruolarsi nei marines? ?
Italians have a long and proud history of service in the military, dating all the way back to the Roman Empire. So it’s no surprise that many young Italians today are interested in joining the Marines. But can they actually do it? In this article, we’ll take a look at the requirements for joining the Marines as an Italian citizen, and whether or not it’s possible to make the cut.
What are the requirements to join the Marines?
In order to join the Marines, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident, be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and pass a physical examination. There are also a number of other factors that will affect your eligibility, such as your criminal history, medical history, and employment history.
How does one go about joining the Marines?
For those looking to join the Marines, the process is relatively straightforward. In order to be eligible, one must be a United States citizen or a legal resident alien with a valid green card. There are also age and physical requirements that must be met in order to join.
The first step in joining the Marines is to contact a recruiter. Recruiters will provide you with information on what is required to join as well as answer any questions you may have. They will also help get you started on the necessary paperwork.
Once all of the paperwork is in order, the next step is to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This test is used to determine your qualifications for enlistment into the Marines.
After you have passed the ASVAB, you will then undergo a physical examination. If you are found to be physically fit and meet all of the other eligibility requirements, you will be sworn in as a Marine!
What are the benefits of joining the Marines?
The Marines are one of the most highly respected and elite military organizations in the world. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, then the Marines may be the perfect choice for you. Some of the benefits of joining the Marines include:
-Travel: As a Marine, you will have the opportunity to travel to different parts of the world. This can be a great way to see new places and experience different cultures.
-Advancement Opportunities: The Marines offer many opportunities for advancement. If you are willing to put in the hard work, you can move up through the ranks quickly.
– camaraderie: One of the best things about being in the Marines is the close bond that you will form with your fellow Marines. This camaraderie is unlike anything else and will last a lifetime.
What are the drawbacks of joining the Marines?
The biggest drawback of joining the Marines is the risk of death or serious injury. Marines are constantly in harms way, whether they are deployed to combat zones or participating in dangerous training exercises. Other drawbacks include long deployments (which can last up to a year), separation from family and friends, and the potential for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Is it possible for an Italian citizen to join the Marines?
Yes, it is possible for an Italian citizen to join the Marines. There are many requirements that must be met in order to join, but if you are eligible and willing to put in the hard work, it can be a great experience.
How would an Italian citizen go about joining the Marines?
First and foremost, an Italian citizen would need to obtain a United States visa in order to be able to join the Marines. Visas can be obtained through the U.S. Embassy in Rome or the nearest consulate. Once an individual has a visa, they can then begin the process of enlisting in the Marines.
The first step for those interested in joining the Marines is to contact a recruiter. There are many ways to get in touch with a recruiter, including going to a recruiting office, calling 1-800-MARINES, or visiting the Marine Corps website. The recruiter will provide potential recruits with information about enlistment requirements and the steps involved in joining the Marines.
After meeting with a recruiter and deciding that joining the Marines is the right decision, potential recruits must then take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This test is used to determine an individual’s qualifications for enlistment into the military.
The final step in joining the Marines is attending recruit training, also known as boot camp. Boot camp is a 13-week program that transforms civilians into Marines. During boot camp, recruits will learn about Marine Corps history,
No, an Italian cannot enlist in the United States Marine Corps.
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