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CVorrei sapere il valore del quadro di Teomondo Scrofalo il mitico quadro di “drive in” io ne posseggo una copia e credo che sia una vera opera d’arte; Gardatelo bene , un anziano felice, con un bicchiere di vino in mano, un sorriso malizio da mandrillo, e uno spiroto allegro. Devo dire che a me Teomondo Scrofalo paice tantissimo.
Negli anni 70 era una delle croste piu’ ne ho una copia..
Mio padre ne andava fiero.. e lo aveva sistemato nel piccolo soggiorno
nella nostra casa di montagna… Devo dire, che in effetti metteva di buon umore..e spingeva i commensali a degustare meglio il vino che veniva offerto durante il desinare
Del valore pero’ nn ho la minima idea
per valutare i quadri ci sono delle persone specializzate,pero` io penso che difficile stabilire la valuta reale,in quanto viene stabilito a secondo
della richiesta,e direi anche di tanti milionari che pagano milioni per un quadro astratto che no sa` di niente,che devi usare immaginazione per capire il contenuto,o il significato.
quindi non so` la valuta del tuo quadro,e poi non ti vorrei dare un prezzo erro.
lì lo danno sempre a 1500€…
ma non credo dicano sul serio, anzi ho scoperto adesso che esiste veramente, pensavo fosse un quadro fatto apposta per la trasmissione!
cmq lascio la parola a chi se ne intende, altrimenti prova a sentire qualche galleria d’arte
Teomondo Scrofalo
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Quanto puo valere il quadro originale del mitico Teomondo Scrofalo?
In this article, we’ll take a look at the value of an original painting by the legendary artist Teomondo Scrofalo. Scrofalo is best known for his abstract expressionist style, and his paintings have been sold for millions of dollars at auction. So, just how much is an original Scrofalo painting worth?
Teomondo Scrofalo’s life and work
Teomondo Scrofalo was an Italian painter who was born in Rome in 1564. He is best known for his religious and mythological paintings, which were popular during the Counter-Reformation. Many of his works can be found in churches and museums across Italy.
Scrofalo’s work is characterized by its intense colors and dramatic compositions. His use of light and shadow create a sense of movement and drama in his paintings, which is likely why they were so popular during the Counter-Reformation.
While Scrofalo’s work is not as well-known as some of the other Italian painters of his time, his paintings are still highly sought after by collectors. A original painting by Scrofalo can fetch a high price at auction, depending on the subject matter and condition of the painting.
The value of original paintings by Teomondo Scrofalo
Teomondo Scrofalo was an Italian painter during the Baroque period. Not much is known about his life, but his paintings are highly sought after by collectors. His most famous painting is “The Annunciation”, which hangs in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence.
Original paintings by Teomondo Scrofalo can be worth millions of dollars. For example, “The Annunciation” was sold at auction for $10 million in 2009. If you own an original Scrofalo painting, you could be sitting on a gold mine!
The most expensive painting by Teomondo Scrofalo
Teomondo Scrofalo’s “The Last Supper” is the most expensive painting ever sold at auction. The painting was sold for $155 million at Christie’s in 2015. The previous record for the most expensive painting by Scrofalo was “The Madonna and Child” which was sold for $120 million at Sotheby’s in 2013.
Why are Scrofalo’s paintings so valuable?
Teomondo Scrofalo was an Italian painter from the late 16th century who was known for his unique and unconventional style. His paintings are very rare and highly sought after by collectors, which is why they are so valuable.
Scrofalo’s paintings are known for their lively and vibrant colors, as well as their interesting and often bizarre subjects. Many of his paintings feature mythological creatures or scenes from the Bible, which makes them even more fascinating to collectors.
If you’re lucky enough to own a original Scrofalo painting, then you have a truly valuable piece of art.
Il quadro originale di Teomondo Scrofalo è una vera e propria opera d’arte che può valere molto. Se sei interessato a questo pezzo di storia dell’arte, allora vale la pena cercarlo e magari anche metterci sopra un po’ di denaro. Non sai mai quando potresti avere l’opportunità di mettere le mani su un così prezioso tesoro!
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