In the early 90’s I used to get their catalog, high quality gorgeous fashionable clothes. For the longest time I could not remember the name Lew Magram. I found some clippings from an old catalog and OMG!!! What a shocker: the clothes are no longer gorgeous and latest fashion, they’re all grandma’s comfy polyester baggy frumpy clothes like the Blair’s catalog!!!! 0.o
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o.0 Does anyone know what happened to the Lew Magram women’s fashion catalog?
In the early 90’s I used to get their catalog, high quality gorgeous fashionable clothes. For the longest time I could not remember the name Lew Magram. I found some clippings from an old catalog and OMG!!! What a shocker: the clothes are no longer gorgeous and latest fashion, they’re all…
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If the girl likes outdoor pursuits that is how the couple will interact. Just anyone buying ammunition and going to the local rubbish tip to kill vermin would not be allowed in my country. We have people who work at the rubbish tip employed to do that with special baits; not guns. These days a male who is constantly plying a girl with flowers and chocolates is seen as a ‘prince charming’ or a ‘player’ and most likely a jekyll and hyde type person – all charm while dating then moody and lazy once married. ADDITIONAL 22 HOURS LATER : Mind you Gladys, I wish the world was like it was when I met my husband or more back in your time. I married my first boyfriend and we only had eyes for each other from our very first meeting. We have brought our children up to respect Տҽ× and and what it means to be a married couple, however a lot of their generation have not been brought up that way. If I were you I would say something to your grandson , just tell how you expect to be treated as a girlfriend, just let him see your view of it. I’m sure you wont be preachy and he will appreciate you expressing your feelings on the matter, after all you are his grandmother – that’s what you are there for.
Answer 6
Wow! I had no idea either! Was googling for the catalogue on line but didn’t have much luck, as I used to have it delivered and I did shop from there in 2009.
Actually, they did go bankrupt in 2000, and Alan Fingerhut, of Minnetonka, Minnesota bought the chain. Found this online.
Fingerhut Buys Lew Magram, Brownstone Fingerhut Cos., Minne-tonka, MN, yesterday acquired the Brownstone Studio and Lew Magram catalogs, which both sell women s apparel and accessories. Brownstone and Lew Magram were owned by StyleSite Marketing, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January. Fingerhut purchased assets in a bankruptcy court sale that included inventory, trademarks and customer lists. It is expecting to run the new business under subsidiary Arizona Mail Order Co., Tucson, AZ, which it acquired in August 1998. The merchandising and creative staffs of both catalogs will remain largely intact, and Fingerhut did not acquire warehouses and telemarketing as part of the purchase. This marks the second acquisition by Fingerhut in the women s apparel category in the past two years. In December 1998, it purchased Bedford Fair Industries, giving it the women s apparel catalogs Bedford Fair and Willow Ridge.
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Answer 7
Such a coincidence. I was trying to remember the name too. I went to elementary school with his daughter Melanie around the corner on 54th st. Men’s shirts back then!
Lew Magram
The company is still trading, although I heard that Lew Magram got disillusioned with the fashion world and decided to get out whilst the going was good. Lew had always had a passion for growing zucchinis and that is how he decided to spend the rest of his life. He bought a 40 acre farm in Portland, Oregon, known as Lewcchinis’ Farm.
He handed over the reins of power at his clothing empire to his aged mother who took control with a passion making the entire range of clothes grandma friendly. Their new motto being “You’ll fit right in with the Florida wrinklies in our clothes”.
Lew often wonders what might have been but those thoughts are only fleeting in his mind as he climbs on his tractor and goes to plough his field of dreams.
Answer 6
Wow! I had no idea either! Was googling for the catalogue on line but didn’t have much luck, as I used to have it delivered and I did shop from there in 2009.
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