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my friend was arrested for domestic violence two nights ago. they said he would have a court hearing this morning at 8:30. however, at 10:30 his HOUSING status on the online inmate database changed from housing location 1965 to housing location CSD with no facility address.
Depending on where you are ( state ), a person is usually arrested and held initially at a precinct and then transferred to the county jail for arraingment in front of a Judge. More than likely, the system hadnt been updated at the time you read it and he was still being held there. You can call the Sheriff’s Department, give your friend’s name and see if he was bailed out, bonded or being held. It might help if you also knew his date of birth and social to help identify if he has a fairly common name. I hope this has helped you
Source(s): 19 years as a Corrections Officer in a max prison
hes in a county sheriffs department jail
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inmate information – housing status says CSD?!?! PLEASE!!!?
Whenever you’re looking to purchase property in a new city or town, it’s important to do your research and understand all the available amenities. In addition to housing, one of the most important factors to consider is public safety. One recent study found that 51% of renters say they would feel unsafe living in a community with a negative crime rate. So what’s the best way to ensure your safety?
What is a Correctional Service of Canada?
Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is a national correctional institution that provides correctional and penitentiary services to federal inmates in Canada. It falls under the purview of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. As per its website, CSC “provides safe and secure confinement for federally sentenced offenders, maintains law and order in Canadian communities through criminal justice programs, and supports victims of crime.”
What is the Housing Status for Inmates in a Correctional Service of Canada Institution?
Housing status for inmates in a Correctional Service of Canada (CSD) institution can be confusing. Here is a breakdown of the different housing statuses that inmates can have:
Absentee: Inmates who are absent without leave (AWOL) or who have been sentenced to imprisonment but are not currently incarcerated are considered to be absentees. An inmate who is absent due to illness or injury is also considered an absentee.
Inmates who are absent without leave (AWOL) or who have been sentenced to imprisonment but are not currently incarcerated are considered to be absentees. An inmate who is absent due to illness or injury is also considered an absentee. Detainee: Inmates who are in detention on remand or awaiting trial are considered detainees. Inmates who are being held pursuant to an order of probation, parole, or release pending appeal are also detainees.
Inmates who are in detention on remand or awaiting trial are considered detainees. Inmates who are being held pursuant to an order of probation, parole, or release pending appeal are also detainees. Resident: This housing status is for inmates whose admission has been authorized by the Commissioner and whose conditions of confinement allow them to reside in the institution’s resident
Can I Contact an Inmate through the mail?
Generally speaking, you cannot contact an inmate through the mail. This is because inmates are not permitted to have any communication with anyone outside of prison walls. In some cases, inmates may be allowed to write letters to family or friends, but these letters are not typically delivered to those individuals.
How do I Change My Housing Status?
Many people are puzzled by the housing status displayed on their Correctional Service of Canada (CSD) records. Although the CSD website states that inmates are housed according to their “security classification,” in reality, inmates can be housed anywhere within a facility and occasionally even transferred between facilities.
Housing status is one of many pieces of information that can be difficult to understand on CSD records. For example, an inmate’s custody designation (e.g., low, medium or high security) does not necessarily correspond with their housing status. Inmates classified as “low security” may be housed in high-security facilities, and inmates classified as “high security” may be housed in low-security facilities.
In order to change your housing status, you will first need to speak to a staff member at your location. They will be able to provide you with more information about your specific situation and how to make the necessary changes.
What if I am in Jail or a Prison?
If you are in jail, or a prison, you should keep in mind that your housing status may say CSD. This means that you are confined to a correctional setting and are not authorized to leave. If this is your situation, make sure to contact the facility directly to verify your housing status.
Hello, I’m a current inmate of the California State Prison, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with something. My housing status says “Correctional Segregation Division” (CSD), but from what I’ve been able to gather, it seems as though most inmates are being transferred to ADX Florence prison. From what I can tell, ADX is a much stricter and brutal prison than CSD. Am I wrong about this? If so, please correct me! Thank you for your time.