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Why in the episode of Family Guy “stew-roids” stewiw says “uh-oh spadoodios” and moreover, why it is funny?

I don’t know what spadoodios are It’s a portmanteau of “doodie” (poop) and “Spaghetti-os”. The Spaghettio-s jingle went “Uh oh, Spaghettios” Uh Oh Spadoodios The joke is that he was using the line from an old commercials for Chef Boy-ar-de Spagetti-os. In ther commercial a kid says “Oh Oh, spagetti-os. Stewie says a variation on […]

Why in the episode of Family Guy “stew-roids” stewiw says “uh-oh spadoodios” and moreover, why it is funny? Read More »

Do pez candy expire?

People Reviews I have some packages of pez, and I’m not sure how old they are, not extremely old, but older than new. I’ve already eaten a few packages but I have a lot more. I haven’t died yet, but I’m curious if pez can expire. All “food” expires or goes stale eventually(except honey), as

Do pez candy expire? Read More »

How to fix this “Oops. Not sure what happened there. Please try again” error message when try to buy something

If you are trying to buy something in the Xbox category and you receive an error message that says “Oops. Not sure what happened there. Please try again,” there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. 1. Check your internet connection: A weak or unstable internet connection can cause errors when

How to fix this “Oops. Not sure what happened there. Please try again” error message when try to buy something Read More »

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