I am kind of confused here. I am a very good student in my Earth Science class (My average is usually high-90’s), but all of the past Earth Science regents that my class has taken as practice have been really difficult. Everyone who I have asked that took the test last year said it was really easy. A lot of astronomy questions were asked on the past regents, and my class didn’t learn that stuff until recently, and we don’t fully understand it.
i know this isnt helping but i heard the test has gotten harder evn tho they took questions out and everything
I am taking mine tommorrow so i am pretty nervous and im studyin like hell><
I think you will do good cuz u have high grades
Im getting high 80's which is ok i guess
aniwai dont panic like me n study hard
good luck=)
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Are Earth Science Regents exams difficult?
I am kind of confused here. I am a very good student in my Earth Science class (My average is usually high-90’s), but all of the past Earth Science regents that my class has taken as practice have been really difficult. Everyone who I have asked that took the test last year said it was really…
I’m speaking from personal experience when I tell you that Math A and Earth Science are probably the two easiest regents you’ll ever take. I practically failed Math A the entire year in class, and ended up with a 97 on the regents. I got a 96 on Earth Science. They’ll be easier than your classroom tests. Just remember that.
IDK . . I’ve been doing better on the practices than on class tests. Then my teachers exams are impossibly hard. Taking the Earth Science regents tommorrow. Remember to use the Earth Science Reference Tables a lot. Most questions can be answered using the ESRT. And carefully read all the directions. That helps. Study tonight, and good luck tommorrow!
EDIT: On the same August 2007 test, I got 4 wrong in the whole test. 2 B-1 questions, and 2 B-2 or C questions.
Source(s): Everyone please answer!
Keep in mind that there is a heavy curve on the test. Even though the test may be hard, your grade will still be good.
I remember a diverse test. There wasn’t really more of any topic than any other one. It was fairly easy as long as you remember to review. The reason you do practice regents is not really to learn anything, but more to understand the types of questions that you are going to encounter.
Good luck!
Answer 6
i took the earth science regents 2 years ago and recieved an 85 i would say it is easy. I probably could have got a higher score but i really didnt try that day.
Answer 7
they arent difficult if you know whats going on. i purposely didnt study for the regents b.c my high school ignores earth science and doesnt count it as a science credit ( i took it in junior high). i didnt care and still passed. if you buy the review book and do all the questions, you’ll ace it
NO! its not hard.im in the eigth grade, and i took the august 2007 one,and it was mad easy. i only got four wrong in the PART A and B-1. In the other parts, I got about 3 questions wrong.dont worry about it.they arent that difficult.you dont need to be a nerd to pass this test.yea u are so right,the lab practical was mad easy,but i got a 12/16.haha.and look on the bright side,they count 10% of your regents score.
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nope theyve been getting harder =(
im taking it tom and im scared out of my mind
practice makes perfect and if it helps look up 279 ways to pass the earth science regents
yo the stars thing on earth science is REALLY easy its all on the ref table…. find the page and look for the graph thing…. it shows u the luminousty of the stars and the size, and the temp its really easy
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