What Green Day album has the song Paranoia on it?

I can’t find it on iTunes, but I can’t get the song outta my head today. Thanks!

i think you are thinking of the song Basket Case by green day from the album Dookie.

it all keeps adding up, i think i’m cracking up, am i just paranoid?

does it go like that?

Green Day’s Paranoia is actually a cover song.
Green Day covered Harvey Danger’s – Flagpole Sitta and called it Paranoia!

Unfortunately its not on any of their 9 studio albums!

But i also suspicions that you maybe talking about The Panic Song which is on Insomniac-
Ready for a cheap escape
On the brink of self destruction
Widespread panic

Hope that Helped!

Greenday Paranoia

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awUmK

I’d take any album and most songs… But if I had to choose… Albums (XD): Kerplunk!, 1039/Smoothed-Out Slappy Hours, Dookie, American Idiot, Awesome as F—- (though technically that doesn’t count :P) Songs: When It’s Time (don’t judge; I’m a guy, this is a love song, who cares :P), Cigarettes and Valentines, Basket Case, She, 21 Guns, 21st Century Breakdown, most of the American Idiot album, and Good Riddance. Of course there are more, but I don’t want to spam this up too much

There’s no song called Paranoia that I know of….I would agree with the two answers above me.
Basketcase( Dookie) or Panic Song (insomniac)

Answer 6

I think you mean

Harvey Danger – Flagpole Sitta
Album: Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?

A lot of people think that was Green Day for some reason

Answer 7

You could also mean Panic Song from Insomniac


Do you mean the song that goes “I m not sick but I m not well”? If so it s Harvey Danger- Flagpole sitta

Answer Prime
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