Does the word dyslexia always need to be capitalized?

People Reviews

even when it’s not to start with of a sentence?

It solely must be capitalized when it’s the first phrase of a sentence. Dyslexia is like pneumonia – it is not a reputation, it is a situation.

The phrase dyslexia doesn’t must be capitalized except it’s to start with of a sentence.

The phrase dyslexia will not be a pronoun.
Solely pronouns or acronyms are capitalized in the course of sentences.

No, it doesn’t. You need to solely capitalize correct nouns and the phrase I in the course of a sentence. A correct noun is a reputation of somebody or a spot or typically a model.

no, the title of a illness doesn’t must b in capital letters in the course of a sentence

That’s the funniest rattling factor I’ve ever learn! You will have a studying dysfunction however you’re a comedic genus!

Reply 6

no i duzent

Reply 7



What our team says

Does the word dyslexia always need to be capitalized?

dyslexia is a disorder that affects reading ability and has a wide range of symptoms. One of the most common questions people have about dyslexia is whether or not to capitalize the word always. This question can be complicated, as there is no single answer that applies to everyone.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disability that can cause difficulty with reading and spelling. Some people with dyslexia have problems with all of their words, while others have problems with only some words. Dyslexia is not a specific disease or condition, but a general term that refers to many different types of difficulties with reading.

Is Dyslexia Always Capitalized?

There is no universal rule for capitalizing dyslexia, as the term can refer to a variety of disorders or conditions. In general, it is recommend to capitalize Dyslexia when referring to the specific disorder or condition, and not use capital letters for all dyslexia-related terms.

How to Refer to Dyslexia in a Text or Email

If you are referring to dyslexia in a text or email, always capitalize the word “Dyslexia.” This is consistent with how the word is typically referred to in scientific and medical contexts.


As you may know, dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading ability. In some cases, the word “dyslexia” may always need to be capitalized, even when it appears in lower-case letters. Other times, the term might only need to be capitalized if it is used as part of a formal name (like the Dyslexia Institute). So what’s the rule? It depends on the context in which it is being used. If you’re unsure whether to capitalize or not, always err on the side of caution and capitalize it.

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