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Hola Ernesto: acumulado es el participio de acumular.
Lo correcto es ACUMULADO del verbo Acumular, de guardar , juntar……..Saludos
Source(s): Yo
Es acumulado el modo correcto
El verbo es acumular, así que lo correcto es acumulado.
Answer 6
La palabra correcta es “Acumulado” del verbo “Acumular”.
Acumular = Formar un Cúmulo.
Desde la raíz se incluye la sílaba “cu”, por lo tanto es “Acumulado”.
Answer 7
la 2da
Si, Acumulado del verb. acumular, ¿no?
What our team says
Acomulado o Acumulado? Cual es la manera correcta?
La palabra “acumulado” se usa para designar el resultado de una acción o de la actividad económica, es decir, un patrimonio que se ha acumulado a través de la vida. El término es similar al de “acumulación”, pero el primero se refiere a la cantidad de dinero, mientras que el segundo se refiere a cualquier otra cosa que haya sido acumulada en forma determinada.
What is Acomulado o Acumulado?
The Spanish word “acumulado” means accumulated. It is the correct word to use when referring to money that has been saved over time. The term “acumulado o acumulada” is used when speaking about the quantity of money.
There are two ways to say “acumulado o acumulada.” The first way is to use the present tense, which means that the quantity of money is currently being accumulated. The second way is to use the past tense, which means that the quantity of money was once accumulated.
When speaking about the quantity of money, it is important to use the right expression. This will depend on the context in which you are using the word.
The Different Types of Acomulados
There are a few different types of acomulados, and each has its own specific rules for calculating accumulated value.
The first type is the perpetual acomulado, which accumulates value over time without any definite end. For example, if you invest in a company that pays dividends every year, your share of the company’s value will increase as long as the company continues to pay out dividends.
The second type is the periodic acomulado, which accumulates value at set intervals. For example, if you buy shares in a company twice per year, your share of the company’s value will increase each time based on the total market value of the shares at the time of purchase.
The third type is the contingent acomulado, which accumulates value based on certain conditions being met. For example, if you buy shares in a company when it goes public, your share of the company’s value will increase based on how much money is raised through the offering.
How to Make Acomulado
Acomulado o Acumulado? Cual es la manera correcta?
There is no one answer to this question since it depends on what you are trying to achieve. The most common usage of the terms acomulado and acumulado is when referring to financial statements. In general, acomulado means that a company has accumulated more profits over time. Conversely, acumulado means that a company has accumulated more debt over time.
As with most financial terms, there is a specific way to calculate each term. If you are simply trying to determine whether a company has accumulated more profits or more debt, then the formula for acomulado is: pretax income – cumulative losses = acomulado. To calculate the cumulative losses for a given year, you would take the pretax income for that year and subtract all of the cumulative losses from that year up to and including that year.
If you are calculating whether a company has accumulated more debt, then the formula for acumulado is: total liabilities – total assets = acumulado. To calculate the total liabilities for a given year, you would take the total liabilities for that year
How to Store Acomulado
If you are storing acomulado, the correctly way to do so is to place it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. You should also mark the container with the acomulado’s class and name.
What to do with Leftover Acomulado
If you have some acomulado left over after making empanadas or tamales, there are a few ways to use it up. Some people like to eat it straight out of the pan with a little salt and pepper, while others prefer to make a sauce or gravy out of it. Here are three recipes for acomulado sauces:
1) Acumulado Sauce with Fried Plantains
This recipe calls for fried plantains as the base ingredient. The acomulado sauce is then poured over them and cooked until the plantains are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
– 2 cups of leftovers from making acomulado (empanadas or tamales)
– 1 cup of chicken or beef broth
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
– 2 tablespoons of olive oil, divided
– 2 large ripe plantains, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
– 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
– 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and finely chopped (optional)
1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with parchment
Traducción al español: ¿Qué es Acomulado o Acumulado? ¿Cuál es la manera correcta de decirles a las personas que están obteniendo dividendos o ganancias que son acumulados? En inglés, para decirle a una persona que sus beneficios se encuentran acumulados requeriríamos utilizar el término “accumulated” (acomodado), mientras en español podríamos traducirlo como “acumulado”. Ambos términos proporcionan una imagen bastante clarificadora sobre el equilibrio financiero de una persona. En este artículo, explicaremos qué significa cada uno de ellos y cuál sería la manera correcta de describirlo.
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