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Error Code 0x80a4001a

If you are an Xbox user and you have encountered the error code 0x80a4001a, then you might be wondering what this error means and how to fix it. This error code is related to the Xbox One console and it usually occurs when there is a problem with the network connection or the Xbox Live […]

Error Code 0x80a4001a Read More »

Which triangle is similar to triangle EAD using the Pieces of Right Triangles Similarity Theorem?

a) rqs Step-by-step explanation: they are both right angles B. Triangles are similar if two corresponding angles in each triangle are the same measure. Step-by-step explanation: If two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent, then that makes the triangles similar to each other, by the Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate. * This is definitely a genuine statement!

Which triangle is similar to triangle EAD using the Pieces of Right Triangles Similarity Theorem? Read More »

Calculate the change in entropy if Br2(l) is converted into gaseous Br atoms.

Calculate the change in entropy of copper when converted to a gas. In the following equation, m and n are the coefficients of the products and the reactants in the balanced reaction equation. ∆S° = [Σ mS° products] – [Σ nS° reactants] To avoid clutter, I’m omitting typing in the unit J/(mol•K) in the intermediate

Calculate the change in entropy if Br2(l) is converted into gaseous Br atoms. Read More »

My xbox series x won’t connect to my TV and won’t sync with my controller I have tried changing hdmi and battery’s in controller are charged

If you’re having trouble connecting your Xbox Series X to your TV and syncing your controller, there are a few things you can try to fix the issue. Here are some steps you can take: 1. Check your HDMI cables: Make sure that the HDMI cable you’re using is properly connected to both your Xbox

My xbox series x won’t connect to my TV and won’t sync with my controller I have tried changing hdmi and battery’s in controller are charged Read More »

I recently bought a bottle of lucozade with the 1 month game pass promotion but its not working

If you recently purchased a bottle of Lucozade with the 1 month game pass promotion but it’s not working, there are a few things you can do to try and resolve the issue. Firstly, make sure that you have entered the code correctly. Double-check that you have not made any typos or mistakes when entering

I recently bought a bottle of lucozade with the 1 month game pass promotion but its not working Read More »

o.0 Does anyone know what happened to the Lew Magram women’s fashion catalog?

In the early 90’s I used to get their catalog, high quality gorgeous fashionable clothes. For the longest time I could not remember the name Lew Magram. I found some clippings from an old catalog and OMG!!! What a shocker: the clothes are no longer gorgeous and latest fashion, they’re all grandma’s comfy polyester baggy

o.0 Does anyone know what happened to the Lew Magram women’s fashion catalog? Read More »

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